Kneel before the Queen!
Queen Orrizectra has ruled over a dark, vast elven dominion beneath Signum for many-many years. Any fool who dares openly question her authority is quickly introduced to the Queen’s ever-hungry pet lizard – the last introduction in the poor fool’s life. If the Queen feels ‘merciful’ however, he may be sent to the gladiator pits instead – to be slaughtered before a crowd for entertainment.
Yet it is not with an iron fist that the Queen truly rules, for the dark elven realm is so thick with deadly intrigue and backstabbing, that an amateur would not sit a day on the stalagmite throne. At this, the Queen has become truly adept. She sees plots within plots within plots and knows your next move before you even thought it. Yet disturbing rumors have begun to surface of late and even the Queen may not be able to contain the boiling tensions that may erupt into full-blown civil war. The Queen knows this of course, and a convenient solution may lie on the surface…
A war upon Upper Signum would not only release tensions, but remove the thorns in her rule and…if successful, would tremendously increase her wealth, power, and prestige.
The Dark Dominion
Hidden for millennia in the depths beneath Signum, the dark elves lead a society of constant backstabbing, intrigue and deceit.
But do not think them weak and divided, for when carefully managed by their Queen, the Dominion makes for a terrifying force. After all, their unforgiving culture and lifestyle breeds some of the deadliest and ruthless fighters in the realm.
Guards of the Darkest Caves
Tightness breeds strife. The Dark Elf Dominion would have been weakened long ago and would have become a victim of their neighbors if the queen had not maintained order with a steel hand. The Guards of the Darkest Caves are a visible reminder to all that the Queen is watching you. You are alive and continue to do stupid things only because she allowed you to.
Pack Includes

Swordsmen of the House Taldarn
In the cramped underground labyrinths, each house struggles to live. The House Taldarn enlarges its living space not with the pickaxes of its slaves, but with the points of the swords of its warriors. Dark dwarves, myconids, and even dragons will not survive if the swordsmen of the House Taldarn are ordered to take over a new cavern.
Pack Includes

Elite of the House Dartayl
The House Dartayl is the oldest in the Dominion. Alas, there are too few of them to realize their ambitions. The Queen-matriarch needs the strongest offspring, blessed by the Great Unknowns. Even if half of the Underdark or the Surface would have to be sacrificed to receive this blessing. The blood of those killed in battle will not be shed in vain. Each life taken will make the House Dartayl and its descendants stronger.
Pack Includes

Elmenzael, The Wyvern Rider
From the depths of darkness, rise to the heavens and challenge the hypocritical gods and the Sun itself! The wyvern rider is the living embodiment of the dreams and ambitions of the entire Dark Elf Dominion.
Legends of Signum Starter Box “Dark Elf Dominion”
The dark elves have been hiding in the depths of the caves for thousands of years and saving their strength. Now that Signum is immersed in endless civil strife, the ancient people saw a chance for revenge.
Queen Orrizectra leads her army to the surface. Humans, orcs, and beastmen forgot what the magic of Darkness is and how a blade strikes in the hands of experienced swordsmen. The inhabitants of the surface have forgotten what endless night is. But the Dark Elves have returned, and the darkness has returned with them.