Kitsune Clan

of the Scarlet Forest

Begin your journey to the fabled Sunrise Isles
Takumi, Warrior Poet
Fumiko, the Sorceress-Princess
Yutaka, the Elusive Archer
Shun, Scout fennec

Single Player Mode

Single Player Mode

Each Starter Pack comes with a bonus Solo Mode, where you can test your mettle against a dark overlord. You’ll face against an opponent with a unique set of cards, creatures, and effects, making for a truly enjoyable gameplay. Your opponent will grow stronger as you step closer to victory, ensuring a genuine challenge with each game.

Begin the journey!

Sunrise Isles

  • Kitsune-Lore-Section__First-Tab

The storm breaks the mighty oak

The acorns are orphaned

The Earth has cracked

Those were dark times for the Sunrise Isles…
The seas turned red and crushed upon our shores. The mountains ripped apart, spilling death beneath them. The skies turned black with ash, and with no light, the land grew cold and destitute. Hunger came. But who was to blame? Some kitsune accused their kin for all misfortunes – some great offense, they said, committed against the heavens; others blamed the kami themselves. Yet kami and kitsune died alike. I, Takumi, tell you this – the cause of our misfortune we still know not, but what followed was our own doing.

The hens quarreled

Feathers flying everywhere

The fox prowls

With the passing of the Shogun, the old order fell. Their masks removed, all proprieties had been forgotten. Kitsune turned against kitsune. Always priding ourselves in our sophistication, we had become the very beasts we looked down upon. Each village for itself, alone against the world. Scattered, weak.
And then came the gaijin…

The strong relies on strength

The wise – on wisdom

And the strong

The gaijin arrived on our shores seeking plunder in fast wooden ships. With them, they brought their gaijin god – yakuna-kami – a yomi from hell, a god spreading plague. Scattered, hungry, still fighting each other for petty loot, and now sick – the kitsune fell easy prey to these foreigners. But as hardship and suffering brings out the worst in us, it too, at times, brings out the best. This was a time when great heroes began to emerge, aiding their fellow kitsune and showing compassion. The wheel had turned.

The old house is rotten through

Rats crawl from the cracks

A new order

Amidst the ruins of the old order a new clan began to rise – the Scarlet Forest, and with it – the Sunrise Isles began to see hope. With Princess Fumiko at its head, the old weak kami were forgotten and a strong new power took their place. Inari. And soon the crops began to grow anew. Extending friendship to its neighbors, and generous aid where it was not expected, the Scarlet Forest received much gratitude. Many sought the clan’s protection, flocking to its ranks. The fight against the gaijin began.

What is a poet?

Merely a willow on a river bank

Ripples on the water

Many battles were fought and much blood was spilled. Many great heroes died and many more were born. But when the dust cleared, the gaijin fled back on their ships, and those that remained lay dead.
After a long night, dawn had finally come to the Sunrise Isles, and with it – a new order. What does the future hold now? That, I do not know. I am but a mere poet. But it would seem that princess Fumiko would not be content with the Sunrise Islands remaining ignorant and isolated from the affairs of the gaijin beyond. The wheel turns.

Watch myth become reality

Monks of the River Temple

Monks of the River Temple

Original price was: $54.00.Current price is: $51.30.

Unlike their counterparts from the Continent, the monks of the Sunrise Islands are guardians first and foremost. Masters of the bow, sword, and staff, they make for fearsome opponents. And woe to any fool who angers the river kami, for the water magic of the spirit carps is not to be underestimated.

Original price was: $54.00.Current price is: $51.30.

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Monks of the River Temple

Original price was: $63.00.Current price is: $59.90.

Unlike their counterparts from the Continent, the monks of the Sunrise Islands are guardians first and foremost. Masters of the bow, sword, and staff, they make for fearsome opponents. And woe to any fool who angers the river kami, for the water magic of the spirit carps is not to be underestimated.

Original price was: $63.00.Current price is: $59.90.

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Minions of Kitsune Clan

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $43.20.

These kitsune spirits are messengers of the goddess’ Inari. Some are playful, others – curious; some jump straight into a fight. All of them are unique, but whatever their temperament, they all loyally serve their goddess will, and are very formidable opponents on the battlefield.

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $43.20.

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Minions of Kitsune Clan

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $54.00.

These kitsune spirits are messengers of the goddess’ Inari. Some are playful, others – curious; some jump straight into a fight. All of them are unique, but whatever their temperament, they all loyally serve their goddess will, and are very formidable opponents on the battlefield.

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $54.00.

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Minions of Kitsune Clan

The Blessing of the Kitsune

The Blessing of the Kitsune

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $42.80.

Some of the most popular miniatures from our previous releases are also making a comeback. In come Kumiko – the Millenium Sorceress, ancient and wise, Hikaru – the Sun Slayer, said to wield a bow gifted by the god of death himself, and Miura – Whisper of the Wind, the legendary slayer of the Ghosts Forest.

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $42.80.

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The Blessing of the Kitsune

Original price was: $54.00.Current price is: $51.30.

Some of the most popular miniatures from our previous releases are also making a comeback. In come Kumiko – the Millenium Sorceress, ancient and wise, Hikaru – the Sun Slayer, said to wield a bow gifted by the god of death himself, and Miura – Whisper of the Wind, the legendary slayer of the Ghosts Forest.

Original price was: $54.00.Current price is: $51.30.

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The Wisdom of the Kitsune

Original price was: $41.00.Current price is: $39.00.

Kitsune pay great attention to the arts. Be it the art of poetry, the art of magic, or the art of war.
The clan’s commanders come up with ingenious strategies for victory. Mages keep the secrets of the clan and unleash the forces of nature upon enemies. And the poets of the clan preserve the tricks and exploits of their ancestors.

Original price was: $41.00.Current price is: $39.00.

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The Wisdom of the Kitsune

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $47.50.

Kitsune pay great attention to the arts. Be it the art of poetry, the art of magic, or the art of war.
The clan’s commanders come up with ingenious strategies for victory. Mages keep the secrets of the clan and unleash the forces of nature upon enemies. And the poets of the clan preserve the tricks and exploits of their ancestors.

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $47.50.

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The Wisdom of the Kitsune

Avatar of Inari


The embodiment of Inari in the mortal world, the goddess and her followers have been allies with the dragons against their common foes since times untold. Each of them graceful, elegant, and deadly, together they become an unstoppable force.


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The embodiment of Inari in the mortal world, the goddess and her followers have been allies with the dragons against their common foes since times untold. Each of them graceful, elegant, and deadly, together they become an unstoppable force.


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Artbook “Kitsune Clan of the Scarlet Forest”

Artbook “Kitsune Clan of the Scarlet Forest”

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A collection of some of our best kitsune sketches and art, this book also includes a compilation of kitsune lore and poetry, as well as an interview with the creators, offering more in-depth insight into some of our favorite characters and their creation process.

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Darkness comes
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Adventure awaits

Purse with Dragon coins

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A collection of some of our best kitsune sketches and art, this book also includes a compilation of kitsune lore and poetry, as well as an interview with the creators, offering more in-depth insight into some of our favorite characters and their creation process.

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Adventure awaits

Purse with Dragon coins

Kitsune Clan of the Scarlet Forest

Kitsune Clan of the Scarlet Forest Starter Pack

Original price was: $63.00.Current price is: $56.70.

Open the door to Signum with the Kitsune Starter pack, which includes the amazing miniatures of the Sorceress-Princess Fumiko, the Warrior-Poet Takumi, the Scout-Fennec Shun, and the Elusive Archer Yutaka. The pack contains your player deck, dice, rulers, tokens, and a kitsune-styled rulebook – everything you need to start playing Legends of Signum with the Kitsune faction.

Original price was: $63.00.Current price is: $56.70.

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Kitsune Clan of the Scarlet Forest Starter Pack

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $67.50.

Open the door to Signum with the Kitsune Starter pack, which includes the amazing miniatures of the Sorceress-Princess Fumiko, the Warrior-Poet Takumi, the Scout-Fennec Shun, and the Elusive Archer Yutaka. The pack contains your player deck, dice, rulers, tokens, and a kitsune-styled rulebook – everything you need to start playing Legends of Signum with the Kitsune faction.

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $67.50.

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