Legends of Signum is a unique combination of a miniatures wargame and a collectible card game. In this universe, you’ll meet squads of creatures fighting under the leadership of the glorious Heroes. At the same time, you’ll have to build your own City, recruit various characters, take advantage of spells and relics, and use cunning tactic cards. In «Legends of Signum», you forge your own path to glory by building your card deck and miniatures collection. Thanks to a team of excellent artists and sculptors, every miniature has an original appearance and its own character in the game.
Character cards are used to summon characters to the Battlefield. Each card of this type has a corresponding miniature in «Legends of Signum».
The character strength value indicates how many dice it can use in melee combat.
Movement indicates the maximum distance the character can traverse across the Battlefield.
Health indicates the number of wounds the character can take before its card would be discarded to the Graveyard.
Mercenary characters can be included in the Battle Decks of any faction, though their number must not exceed the number of faction characters.
Tactic cards
Tactic cards allow using tactical manoeuvres which are triggered when a special event, indicated on this card, occurs. This is the only type of cards that can be activated during your opponent’s turn.
Once the tactic card is played, it’s placed face-down and cannot be shown to the opponent. Unlike spells, tactics don’t take effect immediately, but only after it meets a certain condition (indicated on this card). Activation of the card is up to the decision of the player who played it – they can declare it as soon as the specific event occurs for the first time or just wait for a better moment. After activation, the tactic card is discarded to the Graveyard.
Tactics can be activated only during the opponent’s turn unless otherwise stated.
Relic cards
These cards are used to boost your Hero or provide it with
extra abilities. The Hero is the only kind of creatures that
can equip relics.
Your Hero can have access to different types of relics. A played relic card is placed next to the Hero card and considered to be active or «equipped».
A Hero can carry as many relics of one type as the number of symbols of this relic type it has (which is indicated on its card). Although you cannot remove an active relic from your Hero during the game, it can be replaced by a new one of the same type.
In this case, the old relic is immediately discarded in the Graveyard.
Spell cards
The spell effect takes place immediately after its card has been played.
Once the spell has been played and the effect applies, its card is discarded to the Graveyard.
Minion Card
Minions are a brand new type of creatures.
Minions can be summoned only by abilities of other cards, such as Ritual or Parasite. You can summon any number of the same minions. The player can no longer summon creatures to the Battlefield if there are already eight or more creatures under control of that player.
Every minion is a stand alone creature, having their own bonuses, penalties, and tokens. Minion cards are indicated by a special symbol at the bottom left of the card. The minion cards cannot be in the player’s deck analogously to the Hero cards. The minion cards along with the Hero card are placed on the game table at the start of the game and cannot be placed in any other game zone. This type of cards designates abilities of minions you are going to use in the game. If the minion is eliminated during the game, its template or miniature is removed from the Battlefield, but the minion card still should be next to the Hero card. In most cases, the minions acts according to the same rules as other creatures on the Battlefield, and also have their own icon in the ability text.
Battle deck
Players compose their battle decks on their own; each deck can contain from 20 to 40 cards.
The Battle Deck consists of character, spell, relic and tactic cards. Players select the cards they need according to their own strategy for victory. While composing your Battle Deck you can only use cards affiliated to the Hero faction, as well as mercenary cards. Your battle deck cannot contain more than one character card of the same name or more than two support cards with the same name.
The Graveyard is the zone for played spell cards and characters that have fallen, destroyed relics and activated tactics. This is an open area and players can look at the cards they both have in the Graveyard at any moment.
At the start of the battle, the players draw top four cards from their Battle Decks – this is their starting Hand. Each participant can return up to four cards to their Battle Deck and one time replace them with the equal number of cards before the start of the game.
Building cards
There are nine main building types in the Legends of Signum:
In addition, each faction has its unique buildings. For example, Fairy Garden for the Alliance of the Unicorn faction or Queen’s Temple for the Akkari Spider Elves.
If a unique building is destroyed, it cannot be built again.
Terrain cards
Terrain cards are required to place respective terrain elements on the Battlefield. Such terrain is displayed as a special template on the Battlefield. Each terrain card can only refer to one such template on the Battlefield. Building and terrain cards are not included in the Battle Deck.
The players determine on their own which cards they might need during the game. Building cards can be played in any order, paying their cost in Prosperity. The played cards are placed at the Player’s City Zone. One building card in the Construction phase and one terrain card in the Activation phase can be played during active player’s turn. Terrain cards are played according to the rules of the Battle Deck cards.
Start game
The battle takes place on the game zone common for both participants, measuring 60x60cm or 24″x24″.
Turns priority is determined by rolling dice. The player who rolled a higher number of
decides who goes first. The turn order remains unchanged until the end of the game.
The first player places their Hero miniature on the Battlefield with an edge of its base adjacent to this player’s Battlefield side.
In this phase, the active player untaps all the tapped cards in their City Zone. The active player’s creatures get an opportunity to be activated again. The active player draws one card from the Battle Deck to their Hand and receives one point of Prosperity. Players cannot have more than ten cards in their Hand. If there are already 10 cards in their Hand, the player must discard a random card to the Graveyard before drawing another one.
At the start of this phase, the active player may construct a building or receive Prosperity points instead. In order to construct a building, the player should pay its cost in Prosperity points and place it in their City Zone. If the player decides to skip the construction, they receive two additional points of Prosperity. You cannot construct more than one building per phase. A building, that was constructed in the current turn, can be used right away.
Buildings constructed in your City can be used for:
– playing Battle Deck cards from your Hand or terrain cards;
– using effects indicated on the building card.
Untapped and tapped building.
The maximum number of buildings in your City is 12. You cannot remove constructed buildings from the City zone at will.
You can only play one terrain card per turn. For this, you need some buildings already constructed in your City. When playing a terrain card, the active player must place the respective card in their City Zone and place a template corresponding to the terrain type on the Battlefield. This template should be placed in the empty space, which means it cannot be placed in the contact with creatures. It should be placed at no less than S distance (8 cm) away from the active player’s side of the Battlefield and other terrains, and also no less than M distance (10 cm) away from the opponent’s side.
Unique terrain types, which have their own unique name, can be played only once a game by each player.
During this phase, the active player is able to:
• play character, spell, relic, or tactic cards from their Hand;
• activate creatures summoned to the Baleeld;
• play one terrain card.
The active player can carry out these actions in any order they want. The summoned character card is placed next to the Hero card, and the corresponding miniature is placed on the Battlefield in such a way that the edge of its base touches the active player’s side of the Battlefield. The character cannot be summoned closer than S distance (8 cm) to any of the opponent’s creatures. The character card and its miniature on the Battlefield remain in play until the character is eliminated.
The creature that has just been summoned to the Battlefield is considered activated. The player cannot have more than 8 creatures on the Battlefield (including the Hero) at the same time. The next creature can begin its turn only ather the previous one has completed all of its actions. You cannot begin the turn of one creature, then start moving a second one, and then finish the first creature’s turn.
As soon as the active player has completed all of their actions, the end of their turn takes place and the next player’s turn starts.
Every creature in «Legends of Signum» can perform one of the following action combinations during its activation:
• move within the movement distance indicated on its card;
• use the Run rule;
• move within its movement distance and enter melee combat;
• enter melee combat if the creature is already in contact with an opponent’s creature;
• perform Shooting or any other ranged attack, if the creature has the ranged attack abilities;
• use any other activation ability indicated on its card.
Movement distance is indicated on the character card and marked with a letter abbreviation
against a blue background.
Before the creature starts its movement, the active player can declare if they are going to use Run in the current turn. When using Run, the movement distance of the creature is increased to the next value; for example, if it had the movement S, it’s increased to M; M to L; and L to XL. The creatures with the movement XL cannot use Run. Once the creature ends its movement after using Run, its turn is immediately over, which means it can no longer use any abilities, including entering melee combat during the rest of the turn. If your creature enters the contact with your opponent’s creature when using Run, that creature immediately stops and receives Backstab from the enemy in accordance with the Rule of Backstab.
It is declared either when the creature leaves the contact with the opponent’s creature or if it enters the contact when using Run. It receives Backstab from each creature of the opponent it was in contact with. Backstab doesn’t depend on the creature’s Strength; when declaring Backstab, the opponent rolls one die, and the success of the roll is determined according to the general rules of a melee attack. The creature cannot defend from Backstab.
If the base of your miniature touches the base of your opponent’s miniature, your miniature immediately terminates its movement. In this case, your miniature is considered to enter the contact with the opponent’s miniature.
If your creature enters the contact with an opponent’s miniature during its movement (miniatures are considered in the contact with each other if their bases touch each other), or if it starts its turn already being in the contact, this creature can enter melee combat.
If the active player’s miniature is in the contact with several opposing miniatures, the player chooses one of them to fight this turn. If the creature enters melee combat with several creatures of the opponent during the current turn, after the first melee combat, it must assign all of its strength dice only to defense for the rest of its melee combats this turn.
Melee combat between creatures takes place as follows:
The Strength parameter indicates how many dice the creature has available
for melee combat. Those dice can be used for both attack and defense.
Each attacking die can deal 1 point of damage to the opponent’s creature, and defensive die allows your miniature to block 1 successful attack die. During melee combat, it is considered that creatures strike each other simultaneously, so wounds are also taken simultaneously.
The player whose miniature is under attack must be the first to assign its strength dice to attack and/or defense, and declare it to their opponent. After that, the active player also declares their decision to assign dice. The players can choose if they assign all dice only to attack or defense, or distribute it between those two options the way they want.
Once both players have assigned their strength dice to attack or defense, they both roll the attacking dice at the same time. If the creature has no wound tokens, it will hit the target on and results. While determining the success of attack in melee combat, if all the results of the roll are or, in case of wounded creatures, it’s or , that means the attack is unsuccessful and there is no damage dealt.
After the creatures exchanged strikes, the players roll dice they assigned to defense. In order to block one die of successful attack of the opponent in melee combat, the defender must roll at least one . This value remains unchanged even if the defending creature is wounded. Every result decreases the number of successful hits by one. If all of the opponent’s attacks are failed, though the defender has available defensive dice, the defender doesn’t roll those dice.
If the creature is wounded, it is considered weakened, which means it can deal damage only by rolling the result. Miniatures with the Fortitude ability an exception as they always deal damage on
or whether they’re wounded or not.RANGED ATTACK
During its activation, the creature cannot move before and after declaring its ranged attack, unless it has special abilities such as Quick Shooter. Before performing Shooting, you must make sure you’re able to draw a line of sight (LoS) between the shooter and the target.
LoS is a straight line that goes from the base of your shooter to the base of the target, and it cannot be blocked by anything. It doesn’t matter if you «see» only a small part of the miniature base or its half; if you can draw a LoS to any point of that base, you can perform a ranged attack. If there is no LoS available, the attack cannot be performed even if the target is within range.
LoS can be blocked by:
• your miniatures;
• opponent’s miniatures;
• terrain template with the «Blocks Line of Sight» effect.
Ranged attacks cannot be declared if the shooter is in the contact with an opponent’s creature.
The damage taken by the creature is indicating by wound tokens on the creature’s card. In case if the creature has armour tokens, one armour token absorbs one point of damage. If there are no more armour tokens left, the creature starts receiving wounds whenever it receives damage. If the number of wound tokens becomes equal to its parameter of Health, the creature dies, its miniature is removed from the Battlefield, and its card goes to the Graveyard.