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Gabriella and Orth, Inquisition Hunters

The inhabitants of the world are insidious. Anyone can become a pawn in their game, not suspecting anything until the very end.

A young monk once met a beautiful girl. Her captivating the eye beauty made the young man for a moment forget the sacred vows and succumb to temptation. Oh, and how frightened he was when in a night of passion, the fatal beauty turned into a laughing demoness!

The young priest fled to the monastery, where he prayed for forgiveness for his deed, shedding tears of repentance, though he did not find the courage to tell anyone about that. He no longer believed without true faith as he realized that if demons exist, Emrys does also exist, so the great God is watching him.

Sometime later, someone left a basket with a baby on the threshold of his monastery. The monk was horrified to find a birthmark on the collarbone of the thrown girl; the same birthmark he had. He knew it was his child… and the offspring of the abyss. Even though the girl looked like a human, the unfortunate father knew about her true nature. For many years he was silent and kept it in secret, so even the girl didn’t know that too. The only thing he could hope for was to raise his daughter to be pious and kind to have a chance to save her from being reborn into a monster.

The girl, named Gabriella, grew up much faster than her peers, surprising everyone with the talents the great Emrys gave her. The piety that her father instilled in her has turned into real fanaticism, so the Inquisition could not help but notice her.

A young, completely devoted to Emrys girl told her father that she was going to a convent in the province of Cartenna Dara to become a nun. She didn’t mention that in addition to peaceful nuns, agents of the Inquisition are also brought up there and eventually become hunters for heretics and evil spirits. Her new teachers were amazed at the ease with which Gabriella resists the spell and subdues the will of infernal creatures, and that’s how two-headed dog Orph became her companion.

Gabriella and Orph fight as a single whole. As a result, a church servant, unaware that she is a demon fights side by side with a demonic dog that doesn’t know it serves mortals. What happens next if fate reveals its cards?