What about the combat system?
Hello! Recently we wrote that one of the innovations of Legends of Signum 2: Warseer was a significantly revised and supplemented combat system. Now it’s time to take a detailed look at all of its innovations and introduce you some examples of combat.
The main innovation, which, without exaggeration, fundamentally changed the gameplay – hex field. Each hex can only contain one miniature, regardless of whether it is a hero, character, or summoned minion. Movement now also takes place on the number of hexes indicated on the card, but there are spells and abilities that can increase or decrease this number. Moving miniatures across hexes and calculating jump or shot ranges is now much easier and faster than using rulers, as it was in the Legends of Signum.
But do not rush to hide the ruler in a distant drawer, it is still useful for determining the visibility of the character. While in the Legends of Signum, visibility was the direct distance without obstacles from the base of the miniature to the base, now it is the direct distance from hex to hex. If there are no obstacles on this straight line (other miniatures, hills, mountains, forest), the characters are considered to see each other.
We already described the conclusion of the character in a previous article, so we will not dwell on it today.
Tactics cards have changed. They are now free, that is, they do not require prosperity for activation, and are in the player’s hand from the start. When your tactic card is triggered during an opponent’s turn, you simply reveal it and play the corresponding effects.
What has remained almost unchanged is the terrain types. In the Legends of Signum 2: Warseer, as in the first, there are hills, mountains, forests, and dungeons on the battlefield, which have the same positive or negative properties for the character who stands on them. Why “almost”? Because now the combat system is based on dice, so the terrain properties depend on the die roll.
Dice are another important innovation, which is best to present by example of combat.
In the case of terrain, it goes like this:
Your character stands on a hex with a hill. The bonus the hill gives is Expert of Attack 1. This means that the character raises his cube rank by 1. For example, if it was one bronze die, it becomes a silver die and a silver die becomes a gold die. If the character already has a gold die, the player can roll an additional one bronze die. The second bonus of the hill is the ability to perform a long-range attack through friendly units.
Your character stands on a hex with a forest, the forest gives an Expert of Defense 1. This means that the attack (die) of an enemy character that attacks yours is reduced by one rank. A gold die becomes a silver die, a silver die becomes a bronze die, and a bronze die goes away (if it is not the last die).
Now let’s break down the full combat.
Characters 5 Sir Daramain the Steelwind and 5 Dayodor the Order Mentor are fighting, 5 Dayodor attacks. It has 2 silver dice on the map, but it stands on a hill, so you need to throw 1 silver and 1 gold dice. Throw the dice, check the values with the table of damage, the table tells us that one die rolled ordinary damage, and the second – the crit (1 damage + special ability character). 5 Dayodor’s crit is +1 gold die, so we drop it as well, and then look at the damage table again. Rolls a miss.
5 Sir Daramain takes 2 damage if itsTactics card fails. That’s the end of the battle.
As you can see, battles in Legends of Signum 2: Warseer have become easier and more dynamic. Now you don’t have to think about how many dice to invest in defense and how many to invest in attack, and automatically triggered tactics add action.
I know hex-based games like battletech. But honestly I don’t really like the idea for here. Why? Because of the different footprints of models and terrain. So, you’ll need the hexes to accomodate for the biggest footprint (for example heroes) meaning your smaller based creatures (for example minions) will practically ’disapear’ in a hex. Visually, not that attractive. Furthermore, the hexes will require a bigger playing area compared to the current area for the same ’movement rate’. Next, hexes are important to determine facing but here, the creatures have 360 degrees view. Having played multiple miniature wargames I don’t understand the problems with rulers or measuring sticks. Unless you intend to turn this more into a boardgame. The I’m keeping what I have.
Good afternoon!
We have been working on Legends of Signum for quite a long time and finally we came to the conclusion that we simply cannot realise a lot of ideas within the current framework of the game, and it would be wrong to redesign the current version of the game. As a result, we decided to rethink Legends of Signum and realise everything we would like to see in the game.
You can read more about all the details in the article: https://signumgames.com/blog/signum-2-warseer/