Elia the Amazons Queen

– It seems to me that I heard something about your elvish prince, Amazon. The High elves composed a song of praise for him; in the song, he dies at the hand of a devious traitor, – Baldassar said.
Elia spits on the ground angrily:
– I did wish him death the first moment we met. But when I looked into his blue eyes there, on the mountain, I lost my balance and my very self forever. He flew to me in secret, on his dragon, Paraxis, often . But this could not go on forever. We knew that his family would not approve of our relationship. One day Iatael came to me with a determined expression on his face, and said that the other elves know about us. We should have run away as soon as possible.
‘No, you are not flying anywhere’, — his dragon’s voice burned my head as a furious lash. He was always near us, though unseen, he heard us and followed us. Failing to take him into account was our grave mistake.
‘You are not flying anywhere, — Paraxis continued, —You are not my rider anymore’.
And after this I saw a stream of fire, terrifying roaring flames bursting into the cave and engulfing Iatael. I still couldn’t believe it had happened when I heard the voice of the dragon talking to me again.
‘I have saved you, little warrior. Iatael is dead, and now Draggaris elves have no reason to wish you dead. Become my Rider — Elia the Flaming Blood, the first among the Amazons’.
I closed my eyes, trying to banish it, but suddenly I saw myself riding a dragon. Winding threads of rivers, greenish moss of forests and uneven folds of hills were floating far below us. Keeping my mind clear, as Iatael taught me, I made a step forward, then another one and another one… I picked up Iatael’s sword from the spot where the heap of still-smoking armor lay and stuck sword between the steel plates of his armor. Paraxis roared in fury and pushed away from the rock with a wide wing stroke.