A little bit about economics
Hi! Today we’re going to talk about economics. Wait, don’t close the page! Not about the one in the real world, but about the economics of Legends of Signum 2: Warseer, which is much more simple and optimistic.
In the new version of Signum, we use the same in-game value for purchases as in the first version of the game: prosperity. But now the prosperity-based economy has undergone significant changes, which we are now going to talk about.
The most important change is that now it is much easier to count prosperity, because the counter is on the game’s tablet. The tablet also serves as a graveyard, to which a card can go if:
- the player destroys it at the beginning of his turn
- tactic or spell is used
- building or a player’s item is destroyed
- character dies.
In all these cases you get a certain amount of prosperity for the card, this amount is indicated in the upper right corner of the card. The top left corner shows the cost of using the card. Note that there are cards that do not increase income, but decrease it, on such cards in the upper right corner is a minus.
IMPORTANT! The design of cards may change. Now we are testing the most convenient options for players, trying different visual solutions. It is possible that a slightly different version of the cards will go to print, in which the values of prosperity and cost will be indicated in other places.
The counter on the board means income – the amount of prosperity a player receives at the beginning of each turn. The income is equal to the sum of the prosperity values of all the cards in the graveyard. When a player spends prosperity to use a card, the prosperity counter on the board decreases by the corresponding number of units, but the income counter remains in place.
To make it clearer how the economy works in the new Signum, let’s take it apart with an example. We’ll leave the combat out of the equation, and only examine the mechanics of prosperity-income.
- Suppose a player has 2 prosperity left at the end of the previous turn, but their income is 6. This means that at the beginning of the new turn his prosperity also becomes 6.
- The player decides to destroy the card and moves it to the graveyard. This card gives 1 income point, which means the income is already equal to 7. But the prosperity will “catch up” with the income only on the next turn, now it is still 6.
- The next player action is to bring a character onto the field. This costs 2 prosperity points, so that leaves 4. The income remains equal to 7.
- After that, the player uses the tactics card, which costs 3 prosperity points. There is now only 1 point on the prosperity meter.
- When our player completes the turn, their prosperity marker is at 1 on their counter and their income marker is at 7. As the new turn begins, the prosperity marker moves to 7, and everything begins again.
As you can see, the economy of Legends of Signum 2: Warseer is very simple and intuitive, and the tablet will help you not get confused by the numbers. Next time we’ll talk about the next layer of the game, the combat system.