There are no people wiser than the elves of Keledanis, who have for centuries lived in blossoming forest-cities on Ataline island, separated from the main continent of Signum, and there are no warriors fiercer than the wolfen, whose tribes are scattered across the entire continent. The advance of the Akkari armies have forced the elves to seek allies, and the nature-worshiping barbarians turned out to be the best choice. The symbol of their union became the unicorn – a creature sacred to the wolfen, which died out centuries ago on continental Signum, but which has been preserved on Ataline, thanks to the care of the elves who live in harmony with nature.
The untamed, wild strength and fiery hearts of the wolfen, and the cool-tempered elegant grace of the elves, honed to perfection for centuries, compliment and balance each other. Their combined strength will give a serious rebuff to the corruption spread by the insane spider-like elves, who had turned against nature itself ages ago, seeking to control and distort it.