Universal Faction Deck Builder for Hanza of Vallor


Set of 47 cards for Legends of Signum 2: Warseer tabletop wargame.
Contains a complete list of the support cards for ” Hanza of Vallor”
Universal Support cards
– 20.
Faction Support cards – 27.

Find out more.

Faction Deck Builder empowers you to create a Battle Deck tailored to any hero within the faction.

A set of support cards turns your squad of characters into a fully-fledged faction for playing Warseer. Special abilities, unique tactics and exclusive effects will help you to unleash the true potential of your army.

Prepare your army for battle and show what your faction is capable of!

SKU: ACS-186 Categories: , , ,
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Warseer Faction

Hansa of Vallor

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