Greet the reckless pirates of the Kraken Corsairs
Ahoy, friends! Welcome to the wild and salty world of Orcs and Goblins Pirates! These green-skinned scallywags are as fearless as they are ferocious, always ready for a good laugh and a grand adventure on the high seas.
With a taste for luxury that matches Kraken corsairs love for mayhem, they’ve carved out their own pirate paradise on the islands.
And remember! A real greenskin pirate is dangerous both at sea and on land.
Legends of Signum Starter Box
Set sail witch the untamed Kraken corsairs! These audacious orcs and goblins fear nothing, crave adventure like no other, and bask in the lap of pirate luxury. Join them on their island haven and prepare for a thrilling voyage for gold!
These intrepid, verdant corsairs live for daring escapades, lavish living, and the thrill of the unknown. Join them on their island hideaway for tales of unmatched courage and extravagance.
Orcs and goblins pirates, known for their fearless spirit and insatiable appetite for wanderings. Get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey where dangers and adventures collide.
Their love for freedom, golg and adventure knows no bounds. Orc Corsairs bravely faced all the challenges of battles and long journeys.
Journey to their island stronghold of Kraken Corsairs and uncover the secrets of these audacious swashbucklers.
A terrifying ghost ship is hidden in the depths of the bay. Shipgrave Keeper brings death to all who do not belong to the brotherhood of the Pirates.
Buy this model now to receive a gift – miniature of Rumbarrel 2000.
Grab your eyepatch and brace yourself for a journey filled with grog, gold, and plenty of goblin giggles!