Summon Ancestral Spirits
Upuaut, the High Priest of Anubis
When an opponent’s creature enters into contact with your creature, your opponent chooses Resurgent on your Graveyard. Summon it into contact with that opponent’s creature.
Additional information
Card Type |
Tactic |
Cards Rarity |
Common |
Cost |
3 Any Buildings |
Factions |
Styx Undead Empire |
Hero Card |
Yes |
Set/Expansion |
3 Set |
Description of symbols
- Hero
- Character
- Activate
- Shot
- Magical Shot
- Throwing
- Prosperity
- Class Building
- Armour
- Stealth
, - Durability
, - Multiple Uses
- First Word
- Last Word
- Minion
- Healer
1-2 3-4 5-6Basic Attributes
- Strength - Movement - HealthSymbols
- Hero
- Character
- Activate
- Shot
- Magical Shot
- Throwing
- Prosperity
- Class Building
- Armour
- Stealth
, - Durability
, - Multiple Uses
- First Word
- Last Word
- Minion
- Healer
1-2 3-4 5-6Basic Attributes
- Strength - Movement - Health