- Durability
- Multiple Uses
Basic Attributes
-Х from attacks
-Х from attacks, passive ability, modifier — the creature receives X damage less from the current attack.
Agile, passive ability — the creature cannot be a target for Backstab when leaves contact by movement or placement with one or more opponent’s creatures not moving or placing into contact with opponent’s creatures.
Passive ability – The creature can move through hexes occupied by allied creatures.
Ambush: add
Armour (
Armour token: Whenever a creature with Armour tokens receives damage from non-magical attack or Backstab, that creature loses 1 Armour token per 1 damage instead of receiving Wounds. If one attack deals more damage than Armour tokens the creature has, this damage removes all Armour tokens and the rest damage deals Wounds. If any card or ability gives +X Armour to the creature, it means that creature receives X Armour tokens.
Armour token: Whenever a creature with Armour tokens receives damage from non-magical attack or Backstab, that creature loses 1 Armour token per 1 damage instead of receiving Wounds. If one attack deals more damage than Armour tokens the creature has, this damage removes all Armour tokens and the rest damage deals Wounds. If any card or ability gives +X Armour to the creature, it means that creature receives X Armour tokens.
Armour – unit ignores one
Armour Х – Triggered ability – When you play this card, place X Armour tokens
Token – Whenever a creature with Armour tokens receives damage from a non-magical attack or other effect, that creature loses 1 Armour token per 1 damage instead of getting wounds. If an attack deals more damage than the number of Armour tokens the creature has, this damage removes all Armour tokens, and the rest damage deals wounds. A creature can have an unlimited number of Armor tokens. If an effect indicates that a creature gets wounds but not damage, Armour cannot prevent them.
If any card or ability gives the creature +X
If any card or ability gives the creature +X
Passive ability – When a creature attacks a
Aura Х: [text], ability — all creatures, unless indicated otherwise, at a distance within X receive an ability or effect described in [text]. The source of Aura doesn’t receive the abilities that own Aura provides.
Aura X: [text] – [text] is applied at a distance within X hexes from the source of the Aura.
(Terrain) Aura: [text] – the efect afects the unit located within the X radius from the hex.
(Terrain) Aura: [text] – the efect afects the unit located within the X radius from the hex.
Aura Х: [Text] – Passive ability – All creatures in a hex with the source of the Aura and in X hex from it has [text] as long as they are in an Aura. If any creatures affected by the Aura has a unique effect, it is specified in text. If the source of the Aura is a creature, it does not receive the Aura effect.
Battle mage
Battle mage, passive ability — the creature can declare
Beast, passive ability — the creature cannot be targeted by Control or any abilities of buildings.
Berserk Х, ability — while the creature is wounded (has Wound tokens on its card) it receives +X
Passive ability – As long as this creature is wounded (has Wound tokens on its card), its Crit effect always works.
Blocks Line of Sight
Blocks Line of Sight, terrain ability — players cannot draw a Line of Sight through this terrain template.
Blocks the Line of Sight
Blocks the Line of Sight – If the terrain is blocking the Line of Sight, it means that a Line of Sight (LoS) cannot be drawn through it.
Brave – the unit ignores one
Passive ability – Ignore 1
Passive ability – Cannot be affected by Building effects.
Cannot receive relics in Tournament mode and Solo mode.
Cannot receive relics in Tournament mode and Solo mode.
Buckshot, triggered ability — if
Cautious Х, passive ability — the creature with this ability must assign at least X dice into defense in melee combat, but no more than the creature’s
Charge: [text], triggered ability — the creature gains [text] till the end of the current turn, if it moved before attacking in melee, once per turn.
Charge X – when the unit attacks in melee after movement, it has X additional dice for this attack, once per activation. Charge cannot be performed if the unit is attacking the enemy next to which it started moving.
Triggered ability – The creature gains Text while attacking if it was moving before the attack. The ability doesn’t work if the creature started moving next to the creature it’s attacking.
Passive ability – An opponent’s creature cannot move if it is in contact with this creature.
This does not apply to forced moves, such as Spell card effects or Push effects.
This does not apply to forced moves, such as Spell card effects or Push effects.
Concentration Х, activated ability — when the creature is summoned to the Battlefield, it receives X Concentration tokens. The creature with Concentration has: “
Contract X
Contract Х: [Text] – Triggered ability – On activating this creature, the active player can pay X
Control Х, activated ability, impact — the character can take control of an opponent’s character or minion. Choose a target for Control within XL to the character taking into account the Line of Sight; roll X dice — if there is the same number of
Counterblow – when the unit is attacked, it can make a defense roll even if it hasn’t declared Defense.
A creature cannot declare a Сounterblow in response to a Сounterblow.
A creature cannot declare a Сounterblow in response to a Сounterblow.
Defender, ability — if an opponent’s creature declares attack in melee combat while in contact with the creature, it must select the creature as the target. If there are several creatures with this ability in contact with the attacker, it can choose which one to strike.
Defender – if an enemy unit announces a melee attack on your unit which is next to the unit with this ability, you can redirect the attack to this unit
Passive ability – If an opponent’s creature declares Melee Attack while in contact with the creature with this ability, it must choose this creature as the target of the attack, even if there are other your allied creatures within its Attack Range. If there are several creatures with this ability in contact, it can choose which one to attack.
Defense against shooting
Defense against shooting, terrain ability — if a creature is currently standing in contact with the terrain template with this ability and becomes the target of ranged attack, or that template is on the Line of Sight, the owning player can reroll any failed rolls to defend against
Difficult target
Difficult target, ability — when performing a ranged attack against a target with this ability, the attacker must reroll all successful hits.
Passive ability – When performing an attack against a target with this ability, all
Difficult terrain
Difficult (Difficult terrain), terrain ability — if a creature without Flight touches the template of this terrain during movement, its movement distance decreases to S. Creatures that already have a movement distance of S are not slowed down by difficult terrain. Running through such terrain is not possible. If a creature has already moved beyond S distance before touching the terrain template, it must immediately stop upon contact. If a creature starts its turn in Difficult terrain, its movement distance is S until the end of its activation.
Difficult Terrain — when a unit enters a Difficult Terrain hex from a different terrain type, it must end its activation immediately.
If a unit without the Flight ability uses the Run rule, it can enter the Difficult Terrain using Stamina.
Units with the Flight ability can freely cross hexes with Difficult Terrain, but if they end their movement in such a hex, they immediately terminate their activation.
Difficult/Difficult terrain – Terrain ability – If a creature enters the terrain with this ability by performing a move or running, its activation ends immediately.
If a creature is forced to shift into such terrain by a Push effect, it takes 1 damage of the same type as the attack.
If a creature is forced to shift into such terrain by a Push effect, it takes 1 damage of the same type as the attack.
Disease, triggered ability, indicated by Disease token — the creature receives 1 Wound if declares attack; at the start of its activation, it can skip its activation to lose Disease.
Disease token
Token – The creature receives 1 Wound at the start of its activation. Then it can skip its activation to lose Disease token. Otherwise every creature within 1 roll
Dominance – when the unit attacks, the
Drill, triggered ability — when the character is summoned to the Battlefield, you can summon a minion of your faction into contact with each of your creatures with Drill
Durability Х
Durability (
Enchantment (Spell type) passive ability – Place this card next to the object of enchantment. Enchantment remains in play until the enchanted object leaves the Battlefield.
Executioner: [text], triggered ability — if the creature enters the Battlefield or the previous victim is eliminated, the creature can choose a character to be its victim: When attacking its victim, the character gains [text] until the end of attack.
Exhaustion X: [text], triggered ability — at the start of the creature’s activation, you can deal it 1 Wound to gain [text].
Expert of Attack
Expert of Attack X, triggered ability — if a creature assigns all available dice to attack in melee combat, it receives additional X attack dice.
Expert of Defense
Expert of Defense X, triggered ability — if a creature assigns all available dice to defense in melee combat, it receives additional X defense dice.
First word
First word (
Flank: [Text]
Passive ability – When the creature declares a Melee Attack against a target that is in contact with allied creature, the attacker gains [Text] until the end of attack.
Flight (Flying), ability — the creature can ignore obstacles when moving across the Battlefield, including other creatures and terrains. Creatures with this ability still can’t end their movement in Impassable areas.
Flight – the unit can move ignoring obstacles. And run into Difficult Terrain without getting a Fatigue token. If a unit with Flight stops its movement at a certain terrain, it can use its properties. This unit cannot stop its movement on hexes of other units and impassable terrain.
Passive ability – The creature can ignore obstacles, including other creatures and terrains, while moving across the Battlefield. Nevertheless, the creatures with this ability cannot end their movement on Impassable areas or on the hexes with other creatures.
Forged, passive ability – Forged cannot be healed and cannot gain Poison or Disease. Creatures with Vampirism cannot be healed if deals wounds to Forged.
Forged– When the unit is under attack, it ignores all
Passive ability – Forged creatures cannot be healed and cannot receive Poison or Disease tokens. They also ignore all
Formation – if the defending unit is in contact with two or more allied units, it ignores one for every two allied units. The same is true for the attacking unit if the defending unit has a Defense Token, Counterblow, or any other opportunity to roll the defense dice
Fortitude, ability — creatures with this ability always hit its target in melee when rolling
Fortitude– the unit cannot be Weak
Hammerblow, ability — when attacking in melee combat, every successful hit deals 2 points of damage.
Passive ability – Instead of attacking, choose a creature within
Healer (
Healing (Heal) Х, activated or triggered ability, impact — remove X Wound tokens from a target of healing. If there are less Wounds than the ability can heal, they all are removed and a creature is considered fully healed. Healing cannot be declared if the target of Healing doesn’t have Wounds or if there is any factor that restricts Healing.
Hook X
Triggered ability – Instead of movement, creature can move an opponent’s creature within X or less into the contact with itself, if it has LoS to it. The creature must move along the shortest available path.
Horde – When attacking in melee combat with “Support”, gains a
Howl X: [text], activated ability — all creatures within X receive an ability or effect described in [text] unless otherwise stated. Effects of Howl last until the end of turn, if [text] doesn’t imply a different option. The source of Howl cannot receive these benefits.
Hunter: [Text]
Passive ability – When creature attacks [Text], its Critical effect always works.
Impassable, terrain ability — creatures without Flight cannot cross this type of terrain when moving. The creatures cannot be placed on Impassable terrain template.
Impassable(terrain) – units cannot cross or end their movement on Impassable terrain
Passive ability – Creatures without Flight cannot cross this type of terrain when moving. Creatures cannot be placed on Impassable terrain templates.
Infantry, passive ability – you can put up to 6 copies of the Сharacter card with the same name with the Infantry ability in your deck.
Initiative, ability — players assign their
Inspiration, passive ability – If a creature with Masterpiece is activated within its
Jump, passive ability — when moving, the creatures can ignore other creatures on the Battlefield. The Jump can take place only in a straight line at any distance no more than the creature’s
Last word
Last word (
Long shot
Long shot Х:
The critical effect does not activate.
The critical effect does not activate.
Lunge, passive ability — the creature can declare melee combat within S distance away from its target if it’s possible to draw Line of Sight between the attacker and the target. If during this attack the target is not in contact with the attacker, the target should assign all of its
Magical Shot
Magical Shot – calculated in the same way as a regular Shooting, except that the enemy unit cannot defend against this attack. Therefore, during Magical Shot, the attacking player rolls the dice and all the damage is dealt immediately.
Magical Shot Х
Magical Shot (
Magical Strike
Magical Strike Х, magical melee attack — magic melee attack. The creature can declare it to a creature in contact, after the creature’s movement or not moving during its activation. When performing Magical Strike, you roll X dice. Dice are considered successful if
Marauder– when the unit deals damage, it loses one Fatigue token, once per attack.
Master of Attack
Master of Attack Х, ability — the creature can reroll up to X different dice that it assigned to attack in melee combat.
Master of Attack X– when the unit attacks in melee, it can reroll X dice of the player’s choice.
Master of Attack Х – Triggered ability – When the creature attacks, it can reroll up to X dices, but not
Master of Defense
Master of Defense Х, ability — the creature can reroll up to X different dice that it assigned to defense in melee combat.
Master of Defense X– when the unit defends against melee or ranged attacks, it can reroll X dice of the player’s choice.
Master of Healing
Master of Healing Х, ability — the creature can reroll up to X different dice that it used for healing.
Master of Magic
Master of Magic Х, passive ability — the creature can reroll up to X different dice that it used for a
Master of Ritual
Master of Ritual Х, passive ability — the creature can reroll up to X unsuccessful dice that it used for Ritual.
Master of Shooting
Master of Shooting Х, passive ability — the creature can reroll up to X different dice that it used for a
Master of Shooting X – when the unit performs a ranged attack, it can reroll X dice of the player’s choice.
Masterpiece, triggered ability – At the beginning of the activation, if there is another creature within
All other combinations are a failure.
All other combinations are a failure.
Passive ability – It cannot be healed, or returned to the War Camp from any other zone, or brought under the opponent’s control. Also cannot be activated by your opponent or affected by any effects of Support cards, including Buildings. It ignores
Monster, passive ability — cannot be healed; cannot be returned to hand; cannot be brought under control; cannot search ruins; cannot be affected by any effects of support cards.
Multiple Attack
Multiple Attack – When the unit performs a Multiple Attack, it attacks against each enemy unit in contact in turn. It may get the Fatigue token and +1
Multiple Uses X
Multiple uses (
Relic ability
Necromancy – when the unit destroys an enemy unit, you can summon a Zombie Warriors conscript unit under your control to its hex.
Parasite Х, triggered ability — whenever the creature eliminates a character, roll X dice: If at least 1
Pathfinder, passive ability — the creature ignores Difficult terrain ability.
Persecution X
Persecution Х, triggered ability — when the creature eliminates an opponent’s creature, the creature can declare another attack in melee combat, X times per your turn. The creature can move within S into contact with another opponent’s creature before each of these additional attacks.
Persecution X – having performed the Advance, the unit can declare another melee attack. After the Advance, the unit can move additional X hexes. While using Persecution, the unit cannot return to the same hex from which it declared the first attack, and cannot move to a hex from which it cannot declare melee combat, cannot perform it while moving over the Difficult Terrain. The unit can perform Persecution once per turn.
Triggered ability – When the creature eliminates an opponent’s creature with Melee Attack or Push it, this first creature can declare another Melee Attack, once per turn. The creature can move within X into contact with any opponent’s creature before additional Melee Attack. During this movement, the creature cannot enter Difficult Terrain.
Poison, triggered ability, indicated by Poison token — at the start of the creature’s activation, roll a dice: on
Poison token
Token – Roll
Creature can skip activation to lose a poison token without rolling.
A creature can’t have more than 1 Poison token.
Creature can skip activation to lose a poison token without rolling.
A creature can’t have more than 1 Poison token.
Predator, triggered ability — if the creature enters melee combat with a wounded opponent’s creature, the creature gains +1
Triggered ability – If the creature declares a Melee Attack at a wounded opponent’s creature, its Crit effect always works.
Passive ability – This creature can take damage instead of an allied adjacent creature.
Quick, passive ability — the creature can declare melee combat after using ability of Run.
Quick shooter
Quick shooter, ability — a creature can declare
Quick Shooter– the unit can declare Range Attack after moving, but not after running.
Rain of Arrows
Rain of Arrows, triggered ability — whenever the creature declares
Ranger – the unit ignores the Difficult Terrain ability. If this unit attacks, the enemy unit on a certain terrain doesn’t receive bonuses from it.
Reckless Х, passive ability — in melee combat, this creature must assign at least X dice into attack, but no more than its
Recruitment, activated ability — when a building is constructed in your city zone, you can summon a minion of your faction into contact with each of your creatures with Recruitment.
Regeneration Х, triggered ability — at the start of its activation roll X dice. This creature is healed by 1 for each rolled
Regeneration – at the beginning of the unit’s activation, it restores 1 miniature or heals 1 wound.
Triggered ability – At the start of activation roll
Regroup – when the unit is attacked, it can replace one point of damage with Panic. Only if it can retreat.
Requiem, triggered ability — when the character dies, before the miniature is removed from the Battlefield, roll a die individually for each other creature within S from it: On
Resurgent, passive ability — Resurgent cannot be healed and cannot gain Poison or Disease. Creatures with Vampirism cannot be healed if they deal Wounds to Resurgent.
Resurgent –
affect this unit.
affect this unit.
passive ability – Resurgent cannot be healed and cannot receive Poison or Disease tokens. Creatures with Vampirism cannot be healed if they attack Resurgent. All
Ritual X, activated ability — roll X dice, if at least one
Run X – Passive ability – On declaring a Run, a creature can move through X additional hexes instead of 1.
Rush, triggered ability — the creature can be activated right away after being summoned to the Battlefield, only in your turn.
Rush – if there are at least 1
Passive ability – On your turn the creature can be activated right after being summoned to the Battlefield. It cannot attack, though.
Shield against
Shield against [text], ability — the creature cannot be the targeted by [text].
Shield Strike
Shield Strike, passive ability — Each
Shooting – The shot is performed at the distance of the shooting distance range indicated in the unit’s card. The shooting distance is indicated by two numbers. The base shooting range is indicated by the first number and can be performed without any penalties. After checking the LoS, the Range
Attack is performed according to the general rules for melee attacks. Except that the attacking player determines the number of their dice for Range Attack using their unit’s Range Attack stat.
Slow, ability — a creature with this ability cannot use Run.
Passive ability – The creature can’t declare Run.
Sniper, triggered ability — a creature with this ability can reroll any of its
Stamina, ability — the creature can assign its melee combat dice into attack no matter how many melee combats it was engaged in.
Stealth (
Stealth token: When a creature with Stealth is summoned to the Battlefield, it gains a Stealth token. The creature with a Stealth token is considered hidden and cannot be targeted by attacks or abilities of the opponent’s creatures, but still can be targeted by support cards. The creature cannot have more than one Stealth token.
Stealth token: When a creature with Stealth is summoned to the Battlefield, it gains a Stealth token. The creature with a Stealth token is considered hidden and cannot be targeted by attacks or abilities of the opponent’s creatures, but still can be targeted by support cards. The creature cannot have more than one Stealth token.
Steam Engine
Steam Engine: [text], triggered ability — is triggered when the creature declares an ability or effect indicated in [text], once per turn. The player must roll a die for Steam Engine and carry out [text] before doing the ability or effect itself. If the creature gains a bonus from Steam Engine, that bonus lasts until the end of turn.
Sting: [text], passive ability — when the creature declares attack on a creature without Poison, the attacked creature gains Poison. When the creature declares attack on a creature with Poison, the creature with Sting gains [text] until the end of attack.
Stun token
Token – If a creature must be activated, it loses a Stun Token instead.
A creature cannot have more than 1 Stun Token.
A creature cannot have more than 1 Stun Token.
Passive ability – When a creature attacks a
Survivable – when the unit is attacked, it cannot lose more than two models or receive more than two wounds in one attack.
Terrifying– when the unit attacks in melee, it has 1 extra
Throwing X
Throwing (
Vampirism, triggered ability — when the creature deals Wounds in melee combat, it can be healed by 1.
Vampirism – when the unit deals damage, it restores 1 miniature or heals 1 wound, once per battle. The feature is triggered after damage is dealt, but before determining which squad died and which panicked.
Vampirism restores 1 miniature, even if there are no miniatures left in the squad after counting the losses. Damage received by the enemy unit in the panic process does not count as damage dealt.
Vampirism restores 1 miniature, even if there are no miniatures left in the squad after counting the losses. Damage received by the enemy unit in the panic process does not count as damage dealt.
Veteran, passive ability — when attacking a creature with Veteran in melee combat, the attacker must reroll all successful dice results.
(Nothing blocks LoS for this creature.) Instead of activating the Malachron, you may play a spell card for free.
Vulnerability, passive ability — when receiving damage, the creature receives 1 extra damage.