
Armour (

)Х, triggered ability
— When the creature is summoned to the Battlefield, it receives X Armour tokens.
Armour token: Whenever a creature with Armour tokens receives damage from non-magical attack or Backstab, that creature loses 1 Armour token per 1 damage instead of receiving Wounds. If one attack deals more damage than Armour tokens the creature has, this damage removes all Armour tokens and the rest damage deals Wounds. If any card or ability gives +X Armour to the creature, it means that creature receives X Armour tokens.
Armour – unit ignores one

on the opponent’s dice roll in melee.
Armour Х – Triggered ability – When you play this card, place X Armour tokens

on it.
Token – Whenever a creature with Armour tokens receives damage from a non-magical attack or other effect, that creature loses 1 Armour token per 1 damage instead of getting wounds. If an attack deals more damage than the number of Armour tokens the creature has, this damage removes all Armour tokens, and the rest damage deals wounds. A creature can have an unlimited number of Armor tokens. If an effect indicates that a creature gets wounds but not damage, Armour cannot prevent them.
If any card or ability gives the creature +X

, that creature receives X additional Armour tokens. When the relic with Armour no longer has Armour tokens, it is destroyed and the Hero loses all its effects.