Wedded by the Death
When Wedded by the Death attacks, choose one type of value on the dice, ignore the rest.
If all dice show the same value – critical effect activates
Description of symbols
- Hero
- Character
- Activate
- Shot
- Magical Shot
- Throwing
- Prosperity
- Class Building
- Armour
- Stealth
, - Durability
, - Multiple Uses
- First Word
- Last Word
- Minion
- Healer
1-2 3-4 5-6Basic Attributes
- Strength - Movement - HealthSymbols
- Hero
- Character
- Activate
- Shot
- Magical Shot
- Throwing
- Prosperity
- Class Building
- Armour
- Stealth
, - Durability
, - Multiple Uses
- First Word
- Last Word
- Minion
- Healer
1-2 3-4 5-6Basic Attributes
- Strength - Movement - Health