Chain Lightning
Target creature receives 2 wounds, then lightning moves to a closest creature within S distance. Roll a die: On
- The spell is canceled if the die rolls on a Bullseye or if the creature was otherwise unharmed. For example, creature can’t be affected by the effects of support cards, or it can only take damage in melee combat.
- The spell does not count as an attack, which means that Mechanical Workshop does not allow you to defend against the wounds of this card.
Additional information
Set/Expansion |
1 Set “Battle for Vallor” |
Factions |
Holy Grypharim Empire |
Card Type |
Spell |
Cost |
School of Magic ,Library ,2 Any Building |
Cards Rarity |
Legendary |
Description of symbols
- Durability
- Multiple Uses
Basic Attributes
- Durability
- Multiple Uses
Basic Attributes