Table of Contents
Creature Cards
Support Cards
Feat Deck
Player’s tablet
Turn Start
Turn phases
Victory Condition
The Battlefield is the game zone that is common for both players.
Under the leadership of heroes, they are fighting troops of characters. Summoned
characters usually enter the Battlefield in specific deployment zones.
Hero Area is located to the left of the tablet, where the player places their Hero card and Relics that the Hero equips during the battle.
Leadership shows how many characters of each rank can be included in warband.
Attack box - contains the Attack type, the number and rank of dice a creature rolls during an attack. Additionally, it outlines the effect triggered on a c.
Range k - Denotes the maximum range at which the creature can attack.
Health q - Indicates the number of wounds the creature can take before being eliminated.
Movement - Indicates the maximum distance that the creature can move on the Battlefield within the bounds of one turn.
Creature's Rank - Each creature has a rank.The rank is used to determine how many characters can be placed in War camp before playing for a specific Hero.
Flavor text, printed in italics, does not influence the gameplay.
Minions, a distinct creature type, can only be summoned through the abilities of other cards.
Players can summon any quantity of identical minions. Each minion stands as an independent creature, with its unique bonuses, penalties, and tokens.
When the situation indicated on the card comes up, the player can immediately play the Tactic Card from their Hand. Tactics with the same name cannot be activated by the same trigger. After being played, the Tactic Card discarded into the History. A Tactic can be played during the opponent’s turn and even during creature activation.
After being played, the Relic Card is placed near the Hero card and considered equipped. A Hero can carry up to three relics at a time and cannot equip two identical relics.
Some relics have Multiple Uses t. This ability means the relic bonuses can be used as many times as specified. Relics of other types have Armour e. When a card with Armour is played, take the number of Armour tokens indicated in the Armour stat and place them on the card. Once Heroes have such relics equipped, any damage they take from non-magical attacks will be taken by the relics first by consuming the Armour tokens.
The spell effect takes place immediately after the card has been played. The Spell card is discarded to the History immediately after being played. Some spell cards have an Enchantment keyword. This means that the card remains in play until the enchanting object leaves the game or another effect destroys this card.
When a Building card is played, it remains in City Zone until the end of the game or until it is destroyed by any effect. A player may use the abilities indicated on Building Cards during their turn. A creature can get a bonus from only one activated building per turn.
Terrain Cards contain information about Terrain abilities.
Hand consists of cards
drawn fromthe Battle Deck and Feat Cards.
At the start of the game each player forms their starting Hand. Draw seven cards from the top of their Battle Deck. Then return three cards from their hand to the Battle Deck and shuffle. Starting Hand should total four cards.
The Feats Deck is a shareable for all players. These cards
are used to gain and count Victory Points. If a player draws the last card from the Feats deck, the game is finished at the end of the current turn and Victory Points are counted to determine the winner.
Each time the player destroys an enemy character during their turn, they must take one card from the Feats deck and place it face down into
the Hall of Fame area, earning 1 Victory Point.
If, during their turn, the player meets
the condition written on one of the Feat cards
in Hand, they may place it face up and gain
as many Victory Points as indicated on the card.
All attacks, regardless of type, follow these steps:
- The player declares an attack and chooses an opponent within range of its attack and in its Line of Sight (LoS).
- The attacking creature rolls all dice in its attack block, with potential adjustments due to certain effects.
- In this phase, dice can be rerolled or their values can be modified. Each player, starting with the attacker, may declare the activation of any number of effects that modify the values of dice, or pass. If both players pass one after another, they move on to the next attack step.
- Check for a Critical effect. Apply properties from the critical hit section.
Regardless of the number ofc rolled, the effect applies only once during the attack.
- Roll additional dice and add/remove corresponding values, such as those from Critical effects, terrains or card abilities. Note that the value of this additional dice cannot be changed.
- Each swordband each dragonc in the roll inflicts 1 damage
to the opponent. If at least 1 symbol is present, trigger the Push effect. - Every effect that can reduce the damage should be applied
at this stage. - The attack concludes, and all subsequent effects are applied.
A Line of Sight must be drawn from any point in the attacker’s hex to any point in the defender’s hex without crossing Difficult terrain or another creature.A Line of Sight must be drawn from any point in the attacker’s hex to any point in the defender’s hex without crossing Difficult terrain or another creature.
If an attacker's roll results in one or more C symbols, the attacker is considered to have pushed the defender away during combat. No matter how many C are rolled, the defender always moves one hex. The attacker must choose where the defender's creature moves.
If the creature cannot be moved, e.g. it’s being surrounded, the creature takes one additional damage. If the attacker moves the creature into Difficult terrain (Forest, Hill, etc.), the creature takes one damage in addition to moving.
Kaitlynn declares an attack against Gil-Talas.
The strength of its attack is .
Diodor’s Warlord ability adds to 5 within radius of 1.
Kaitlynn declares a Magic attackhwith .
Its result iscb .
Its critical effect adds 1 . Total resultcb +
The enemy creature takes 2 damage and is forced to move to any adjacent hex of the attacker’s choosing. If it is moved into the Forest, it takes an additional 1 magic damage.
Gil-Talas has the Counterblow ability, however it cannot declare it since Kaitlynn’s attack is magicalh.
Dayodor Order Mentor declares melee attack against Gil-Talas.
The strength of its attack is .
Its result is .
Forest may remove 1 from the result of a roll. But there is no
on the roll. Gil-Talas takes 1 damage and is forced to move to any adjacent hex of the attacker’s choosing.
Dayodor’s Сritical effect is Advance. It can advance 1 hex to occupy the space the Dayodor occupied at the time of the attack. However,
if it does so, Gil-Talas can declare a Counterblow , since Dayodor will be in range of its attack.
Gil-Talas has the Counterblow ability, however it cannot declare it since Kaitlynn’s attack is magicalh.
This is the main phase of the turn, during which the player takes their actions.
During this phase the active player may:
- Activate creatures on the Battlefield;
- Use activated abilities of creatures and relics;
- Summon no more than 1 character from the War Camp to the Battlefield;
- Play any number of Spells, Relics or Buildings cards from their Hand;
- Discard no more than 1 Support card from Hand to the History without playing it;
- Play any number of Feat cards from Hand if they meet the conditions listed at the card itself;
- Discard no more than 1 Feat card from Hand to activate its discarding effect.
Players can carry out these actions in any order, according to the rules.
Damage is the number of Wounds a creature receives after an attack or by the effect of card abilities. The Wounds received by a creature are indicated by special tokens on its card. If it has any Armour tokens C, they should be removed first upon taking any damage (one Armour token e for one point of damage). When there are no more Armour tokens C left, the creature receives Wound tokens.
If the amount of Wound tokens is equal to the health stat, the creature is eliminated.
Its miniature is removed from the Battlefield and if it is a character – its card is discarded to the History.
This is the main phase of the turn, during which the player takes their actions.
During this phase the active player may:
- Activate creatures on the Battlefield;
- Use activated abilities of creatures and relics;
- Summon no more than 1 character from the War Camp to the Battlefield;
- Play any number of Spells, Relics or Buildings cards from their Hand;
- Discard no more than 1 Support card from Hand to the History without playing it;
- Play any number of Feat cards from Hand if they meet the conditions listed at the card itself;
- Discard no more than 1 Feat card from Hand to activate its discarding effect.
Players can carry out these actions in any order, according to the rules.
Damage is the number of Wounds a creature receives after an attack or by the effect of card abilities. The Wounds received by a creature are indicated by special tokens on its card. If it has any Armour tokens C, they should be removed first upon taking any damage (one Armour token e for one point of damage). When there are no more Armour tokens C left, the creature receives Wound tokens.
If the amount of Wound tokens is equal to the health stat, the creature is eliminated.
Its miniature is removed from the Battlefield and if it is a character – its card is discarded to the History.